OAuth 2 Endpoints


The Authorization endpoint is used during the authorization_code grant_type workflow. A properly executed call to this endpoint will prompt a Under Armour user to authorize your application to operate on their behalf.


Name Description Type Required
client_id The client_id of the application requesting an access token string Yes
response_type The code response type is used for authorization code tokens string Yes
redirect_uri This redirect will be used to respond with the code and must match your application settings. string Yes


Request GET https://www.mapmyfitness.com/v7.1/oauth2/authorize/?client_id=CLIENT_ID&response_type=code&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI

Note: This is the only endpoint that utilizes the www.mapmyfitness.com domain. All other calls should use api.mapmyfitness.com as usual.

Data must be sent form-encoded in the querystring


The “response” portion of the request is actually a call from the Under Armour server to the redirect_uri provided with a code in the querystring. For this example, assume the redirect_uri used was http://localhost.mapmyapi.com/callback


The code provided to this callback (and handled by your application) can be used with the Access Token endpoint to get a valid access token.

Access Token

The params necessary vary depending on the grant_type. Available grant_types include authorization code and client credentials.

Authorization Code Grant Type

This grant type results in a user access token. With this token you can add new routes and workouts, manage social interactions, and update privacy settings on behalf of the user that authorized your application.

Name Description Type Required
grant_type Set value to authorization_code for the Access Token workflow string Yes
client_id The client_id of the application requesting an access token string Yes
client_secret The client_secret of the application requesting an access token string Yes
code The code received from the Authorization endpoint string Yes
Request POST /v7.1/oauth2/access_token/

Data must be sent with a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    "access_token": "some_token_here",
    "expires_in": 5183999,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "read",
    "user_id": "<user_id>",
    "user_href": "/v7.1/user/<user_id>/",
    "refresh_token": "valid_refresh_token_here"

Client Credentials Grant Type

This grant type results in an access token that operates on behalf of your application. It is not associated with a user. With an access token obtained through client credentials you can perform non-user-specific operations like searching public routes and workouts.

Name Description Type Required
grant_type Set value to client_credentials for the Client Credentials workflow string Yes
client_id The client_id of the application requesting an access token string Yes
client_secret The client_secret of the application requesting an access token string Yes
Request POST /v7.1/oauth2/access_token/

Data must be sent with a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    "access_token": "some_token_here",
    "expires_in": 5183999,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "read",
    "user_id": "<user_id>",
    "user_href": "/v7.1/user/<user_id>/",
    "refresh_token": "valid_refresh_token_here"

Refresh Token Grant Type

Per the OAuth2 specification, access tokens expire after 60 days. Use the grant_type of refresh_token to request a new access token.

Name Description Type Required
grant_type Set value to refresh_token for the Refresh Token workflow string Yes
client_id The client_id of the application requesting an access token string Yes
client_secret The client_secret of the application requesting an access token string Yes
refresh_token The refresh_token from a previous request for an access token string Yes
Request POST /v7.1/oauth2/access_token/

Data must be sent with a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded

    "access_token": "some_token_here",
    "expires_in": 5183999,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "scope": "read",
    "user_id": "<user_id>",
    "user_href": "/v7.1/user/<user_id>/",
    "refresh_token": "valid_refresh_token_here"