Under Armour API OAuth 2 Demo
The following is a complete end-to-end tutorial that describes how to use OAuth with the Under Armour API. The API uses OAuth 2, as specified in RFC 67491.
This tutorial assumes you’ve read or are familiar with the material available in the OAuth 2 Introduction.
In this tutorial, you will:
Register a new client application.
Write and execute a simple client application.
Your client application will:
Prompt a user to authorize the client application.
Receive the user’s Authorization Code.
Use the user’s Authorization Code to obtain an Access Token and Refresh Token.
Use the Access Token to request an API resource.
Use the Refresh Token to obtain a new Access Token.
Note: We will create our demo application in Python, but you can use any language to work with the Under Armour API. All we recommend is that you use a good library for OAuth interactions (as we do below).
The completed script for this tutorial can be found here: OAuth 2 Demo.
If you have example code in other languages you’d like us to share, submit a pull request to our examples repository
Step 1: Client developer: Register a Client Application
Visit https://developer.underarmour.com.
Click “Request a Key”.
Complete the form with information about your client application. (If you aren’t logged in, you’ll need to fill out the form’s first portion about yourself.)
Set the “Register Callback URL” field to
. Responses from this URL will
redirect to http://localhost:12345/callback
. In Step 4 we’ll show how to set
up a simple server that will handle redirects. If port 12345 is already in use
on your machine, you can use a different one. Just be sure to replace “12345”
with the port number you choose in the steps that follow.
Submit the form.
You should land on a confirmation page, and if this is your first time signing up, you should receive an email with a link to confirm your email address.
Click the confirmation link.
You should land on a registration success page containing your client application tokens and secrets.
Make a note of your new application’s Key (client ID) and Secret (client secret). You should keep your Secret private in a secure location.
Step 2: Client developer: Get the software to implement the tutorial Client Application
The tutorial assumes you have:
- Python >= 2.6
- pip
- virtualenv
If not, download Python from the Python website and install it.
Install setuptools.
Install pip.
sudo easy_install pip
Install virtualenv.
sudo pip install virtualenv
Create a virtualenv and activate it.
mkdir ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial
cd ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial
virtualenv env
New python executable in env/bin/python
Installing setuptools............done.
Installing pip...............done.
. env/bin/activate
Install IPython, Requests, requests-oauthlib, and oauthlib.
pip install ipython
Downloading/unpacking ipython
Downloading ipython-0.13.1.tar.gz (5.9MB): 5.9MB downloaded
Running setup.py egg_info for package ipython
running egg_info
Installing collected packages: ipython
Running setup.py install for ipython
running install
Installing ipcontroller script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Installing iptest script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Installing ipcluster script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Installing ipython script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Installing pycolor script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Installing iplogger script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Installing irunner script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Installing ipengine script to /Users/username/ua-api-oauth-2-tutorial/env/bin
Successfully installed ipython
Cleaning up...
pip install requests requests-oauthlib
Downloading/unpacking requests
Downloading requests-1.2.3.tar.gz (348kB): 348kB downloaded
Storing download in cache at /Users/mlm/.pip/download-cache/https%3A%2F%2Fpypi.python.org%2Fpackages%2Fsource%2Fr%2Frequests%2Frequests-1.2.3.tar.gz
Running setup.py egg_info for package requests
Downloading/unpacking requests-oauthlib
Downloading requests-oauthlib-0.3.3.tar.gz
Storing download in cache at /Users/mlm/.pip/download-cache/https%3A%2F%2Fpypi.python.org%2Fpackages%2Fsource%2Fr%2Frequests-oauthlib%2Frequests-oauthlib-0.3.3.tar.gz
Running setup.py egg_info for package requests-oauthlib
Downloading/unpacking oauthlib>=0.4.2 (from requests-oauthlib)
Downloading oauthlib-0.5.1.tar.gz (84kB): 84kB downloaded
Storing download in cache at /Users/mlm/.pip/download-cache/https%3A%2F%2Fpypi.python.org%2Fpackages%2Fsource%2Fo%2Foauthlib%2Foauthlib-0.5.1.tar.gz
Running setup.py egg_info for package oauthlib
Installing collected packages: requests, requests-oauthlib, oauthlib
Running setup.py install for requests
Running setup.py install for requests-oauthlib
Running setup.py install for oauthlib
Successfully installed requests requests-oauthlib oauthlib
Cleaning up...
Step 3: Prompt a user to authorize the Client Application
We’ll implement a client application in an interactive Python shell to demonstrate exactly what’s going on. In a real application, this is the kind of process that your web application server would implement so that your server can make Under Armour API requests.
Start the IPython interactive shell.
Python 2.7.3 (default, Sep 15 2012, 19:45:36)
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 0.13.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
? -> Introduction and overview of IPython's features.
%quickref -> Quick reference.
help -> Python's own help system.
object? -> Details about 'object', use 'object??' for extra details.
Import the packages we need.
Copy and paste your application’s client id and client secret from the application details on the website in Step 1.
Next, your application needs an Authorization Code. It will direct the user to
Under Armour’s authorize page. If the user chooses to authorize your application
the Under Armour website will redirect the user’s browser to the URI you specify
in a redirect_uri
query parameter. The redirection will include a code
parameter containing the Authorization Code needed by your application. Your
client application will receive the request from the user’s browser in Step 6.
Step 4: Prepare to handle the User’s authorization of your Client Application
Start an HTTP server to receive the user redirect and collect the Authorization Code. Obviously, if this were a real client application, the client’s web server would already be running.
Direct the user’s browser to the authorization URL. (Note: this will open a browser on your machine, but don’t click the “Authorize” button yet. We’ll do that in Step 5.)
Step 5: User: Authorize the Client Application to access the Under Armour API on your behalf
In this step, you’ll act as a user of the tutorial client application. In the
web page that the client application opened when it called webbrowser.open()
earlier, enter your username and password, and click “Log In”.
Note: To simplify, log in using your client developer account. But remember, in this step, you’re acting as a user of your client application, not as its developer.
The httpd.handle_request()
statement will block until the user’s browser makes
the authorization verification callback request to your client application
Click the “Authorize” button.
The tutorial’ client application web server returns an empty page when
returns. In a real client application,
would do the work in the subsequent tutorial steps, and
then return a response page with actions that the user could take next.
Step 6: Client Application: Receive the user’s Authorization Code
When the user clicks the “Authorize” button, his browser makes a POST
to the Under Armour website server. The website server confirms the user’s
authorization and responds to the user’s browser with a redirect to your client
application’s callback URL (as specified by the “Register Callback URL” we
filled out earlier). The user’s browser follows the redirect and makes a request
to your client application server’s callback URL including the Authorization
The httpd.handle_request()
statement that blocked in Step 4 returns when it
handles the request from the user’s browser. It also prints the redirect it sent
back to the browser, where you can see the Authorization Code in the code
Parse the Authorization Code from the request query string, and verify you have an Authorization Code.
Step 7: Client Application: Exchange the Authorization Code for an Access Token
To get an Access Token, call the Under Armour access token endpoint with the
Authorization Code and your application’s client ID and secret. Our API requires an Api-Key
header with your
client ID, so we’ll include that.
Note: Unlike most of our API, requests to the access token endpoint are required by the specifications to have a content type of
You can inspect the actual details of the request.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Request body: code=e6e3d79fb6abf972c0aad5851e1a81ac5fff6e58&client_secret=<redacted>&grant_type=authorization_code&client_id=<redacted>
Verify you have an Access Token.
Step 8: Client Application: Request a resource on behalf of the user with his Access Token
It’s helpful to think of OAuth 2 as describing two separate specifications. At this point, you’ve completed a demonstration of the first: the web redirection flow for obtaining a user’s authorization and corresponding API token credentials.
Once your application gets this far, it can use the token credentials to make resource requests on behalf of the user, and continue to reuse the token credentials for as long as the user leaves his previous authorization in place and the token has not expired.
Sign a resource request with the user’s token credentials to access resources.
Verify the response.
Out: 200
You can inspect the response by looking at response.json()
Step 9: Client Application: Refresh a user’s credentials to prevent expiration
OAuth 2 tokens granted through the grant_type “authorization_code” will expire after 60 days. When a user needs continues access to our api, you should refresh the tokens to prevent a loss of access.
Verify the response.
What’s Next?
Congratulations! You’re ready to start using OAuth 2 to access the Under Armour API in your own client applications. As you’re developing, you can return to this tutorial and use the interactive client application in IPython to explore API requests and responses.
If you save the Access Token, you can even reuse them to make resource requests without going through the web redirection flow again.
The tutorial client application can be a particularly useful tool as a point of comparison if you have any trouble getting API requests to work in your own real client application.
Check out the API documentation and try a few more requests on your own.
If you still have questions, check our support page, or feel free to send a request.
OAuth 1.0 and OAuth 2 are substantially different protocols. The Under Armour API aims to conform to RFC 6749, the most recent OAuth 2 specification as of 2014-01-31.