Developer FAQ
No, not at this time.
Please refer to the API documentation found here. All information about accessible data is documented for your reference.
You probably forgot to put a / on the end of the URL. For collections, use v7.0/<endpoint>/ and for items use v7.0/<endpoint>/<id>/.
A Consumer Key and Client ID are the same thing. A Consumer Secret and Client Secret are the same thing. The terminology “Client” is being used for OAuth2.
We often work with races and sporting events. Through our API you can have access to specific routes and activity. If you are interested in partnering for an event, please contact support at
No, not at this time.
No, not at this time. This is coming soon, please stay tuned.
The typical expiration date for OAuth2 tokens is every 60 days, but we deserve the right to change this. You can find this information in the access token response.
This is a highly requested feature, and is coming soon. Thanks for your patience.
Yes. This information can be found in the source field. If you’re seeing persistent errors (receiving an error response), please contact our support team.
We have participated in past research studies. If you are interested, please please contact our support team.
You will receive a 401 error, and it will tell you it has expired.
Our standard API accounts have a max 25,000 requests/day and 60 requests/second. If you would like to increase your requests (quota or rate limit increase), please contact our support team and we will get back with you. Please list in your ticket: How many requests you need, what company you work for, and the purpose for extended access.
Our TZ manipulation library (pytz) relies on the Olsen database. You can view more information about the database here
Make sure you’re using for OAuth2. Also make sure that you are using an “Api-Key” header with your OAuth2 client_id and an “Authorization” header with any access token you have. If you do not yet have an access token, make sure your access token request follows the example in the OAuth2 demo on
No, we are currently not using scopes.
If you are interested in seeing UACF API examples, visit Github:
Make sure your OAuth2 request includes an “Api-Key” header with your client ID and that your request is using the host
Make sure your callback uri matches exactly, query strings that vary will result in this error. Information that you may want to put in query strings should be url encoded and anything you want passed back needs to be put in the “state” parameter.
Make sure you’re delivering the credentials in the “Authorization” header, not the body.
If you need Enterprise API, put your request here. We will need: company, application, target audience, scale of use (requests per second and expected number of requests per day).
No, not at this time. Check back here for future enhancements or consider signing up for an Enterprise account for access to special features.
Consumers with an Enterprise account may have higher request limits. An Enterprise account is probably best if you anticipate a large user group. Features are basically the same between the two.